How is my future?
-Kishor M Bohra, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
The answer to this question is too large, so we will try to write in brief and for recent future only. You are undergoing Mercury Dasha which was started back in 2014 and will end in 2031. Mercury is owner of 11th and 2nd house of your birth chart (based on KP Astrology) and Mercury is significator of 10, 11 and 3. Mercury is transiting in 9th house. During the Mecury Dasha you will travel religious places and will earn wealth and fame in your locality, your life style will gradually improve. From August 2026 to November 2028 will be one of the best duration of your life. You may need to be careful in between January 2024 till July 2026 as some bad event may happen.
Will I crack a government job?
Shashank Tiwari, Dehradun, Uttrakhand
You are born in Libra ascendant and in Taurus sign, 10th house lord is moon and is placed in 8th house. 8th house is not considered good house especially for moon, as it causes mental aloneness, depression etc. This also creates some problem in parents mutual relationship. and it also creates health problems of mother, in some cases it even keeps away from mother. In the Dashamsa Kundli, Moon is placed in the 10th house and the 10th house owner is aspecting the ascendant from the 7th house in exalted position. Altogether if you just control your mind, gain more focus and grab the job you want. Because your kundli supports government job, now everything depends over your Karma. Try to abstain from comfort and laziness and work hard.
मंगल महादशा कैसी रहेगी?
Vinay Kumar Jha, दरभंगा, बिहार
आपकी कुंडली वृश्चिक लग्न की है और मंगल लग्नेश और रोगेश हैं। नवमांश कुंडली मे राहू के साथ षष्ठ भाव मे विराजमान हैं, इससे बीपी, रक्त विकार तथा ट्यूमर जैसी समस्याएँ उत्पन्न होंगी, लेकिन जन्म कुंडली मे बृहस्पति की दृष्टि के कारण समयानुसार निदान भी हो जाया करेगा। अगले 2 वर्ष तक स्वास्थ्य समस्याएँ कुछ अधिक परेशान करेंगी, और आपको बेहद ही सावधानी बरतनी पड़ेगी। मंगल-राहू की अंतर्दशा के बाद बेहद मानसिक लाभ अनुभव होगा। मंगल रोगेश हैं तो स्वास्थ्य समस्या आएंगी ही, साथ ही सारी महादशा एक जैसी नहीं होती। मंगल का गोचर अभी षष्ठ भाव से हो रहा है और आपकी जन्म कुंडली मे सप्तम स्थान पर केतू है, मंगल दशा के प्रारम्भ से ही यह सब समस्या उठना शुरू हो जाएंगी, सभी तरह के इन्फ़ैकशन, और परहेज का ध्यान रखें, मास्क ज़रूर पहने, जब मंगल वृष राशि को पार कर जाएगा तब इन्फेक्स्न वाली समस्या नहीं रहेगी। कुल मिलाकर मंगल के शुरुआती 2 वर्ष छोडकर शेष दशा औसतन यश वृद्धिकारक होगी।
When will I be married?
Amit Kumar, Haryana
If your birth details are correct, you should be married. Natural zodiac ascendant lord and natural zodiac 7th lord are combined together in the ascendant also, Jupiter is aspecting this combo from 5th house. The ascendant lord is placed in third house, with the owner of 5th and the sixth house. In D-9 chart (Navamsha) the ascendant and the 7th lords are placed in mutual signs. but the 7th lord is badly trapped so that's what caused a delay in marriage. You are undergoing Rahu dasha which will end soon. So you need to perform some remedies to be married, after performing the remedies you should be married by the next year. Wear a Jupiter Yantra Locket as soon as it may be possible.
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