क्या इस वर्ष सरकारी नौकरी में सफलता मिलेगी?
-Bhaskar, हल्द्वानी, उत्तराखंड
आपकी कुंडली में दशमेश बुध हैं, जो अपने ही भाव का व्यय कराते हुए सूर्य और राहू के साथ नवम भाव में दोषपूर्ण स्थिति में हैं। दशम भाव पर चतुर्थस्थ वक्री शनि की तथा द्वितीयस्थ गुरु की दृष्टि है, दशमांश कुंडली में दशमेश कर्क राशि गत तृतीय भाव में हैं। लेकिन लग्नेश शुक्र अष्टमस्थ होकर दोषपूर्ण हैं। अभी आपकी दशा मंगल की चल रही है जो २०२३ तक जाएगी, और मंगल का गोचर सप्तम भाव से हो रहा है। एकादश भाव के पास बल की न्यूनता है, जिससे यह पता चल रहा है कि आपको सरकारी नौकरी के लिए अत्यधिक श्रम करना पड़ेगा, अतः सफलता तो अवश्य है, परंतु शर्तों के साथ। अतः पुरजोर प्रयास कीजिये, महादेव कल्याण करेंगे।
Will I get a government job or will I be any political position in near future?
-Anshu Shringi, Bundi, Rajasthan
Getting a government job is different thing and gaining political position is different thing. We are answering the question related to politics only.To be a able to enter and succeed in politics, 10th house, Sun, Ascendant, Moon and 11th house not only should be joined but must be strong too. In your birth chart, the tenth lord is Saturn and in retro position placed in 5th house having a bad relationship with Sun (Administration/Power). 10th house is occupied by Sun, Venus and Mars. The ongoing Dasha is Of Rahu and Rahu is placed in its most auspicious house (considered by ancient sages). But Moon is very much weak which is creating the biggest obstacle in this success journey. By easing and pleasing Moon, you can gain some minor success in Politics. But Unfortunately we don't see a major success in recent future.
When will I get a permanent and regular job?
-Hemant, Ajmer, Rajasthan
Hemantji, your birth chart is one of those rare charts where career has been devastated by Saturn and Rahu. Primarily, in your birth chart Rahu is strongly well placed but upon a close inspection only he is causing you instability in your life. Moon + Saturn combo makes you feel alone and helpless, also it causes a mental confusion which stops taking right decision at right time. Sometimes it makes a mind so much negative, that the man even stops trying and starts thinking himself the unluckiest one. You may gain success only in either or all of these-Training/Teaching/Entertainment Industry/Creativity/fashion/Stationery etc. Only these fields can strengthen you and before starting any journey in the mentioned fields, first make your Moon stronger or else you will start wandering again.
When Will I Marry?
-Rajni, Dumaraon, Bihar
Since you didn't provide your birth details, the upcoming analysis is based on purely Horary Astrology. Most probably in Jun 2023 you will be married, just don't forget to send us invitation.
When will I own my home?
-Sugandha, Ranchi, Jharkhand
You said your birth details are not available so our answer is based on Horary Astrology. You may need to perform some remedies to be able to gain a house. All you have to do is enchanting Ram Mantra ( 108 times in morning and in evening). Feel free to let us know any progress.
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