When will I get a good paying job?
~Anup Zodey, Nagpur Maharashtra
As per your horoscope, 10th house lord is Saturn and is placed in 6th house, although he is exalted there but being in 6th house creates a malefic effect. In D10 chart the first house is occupied by the combo of Jupiter and Rahu, which is again considered inauspicious. In present Sun Mahadasha is running, and Sun is owner of 4th house. Altogether there are some problems which are causing so many kinds of obstacles in your career path. Sun is placed in his own sign but being in night he has lost much of his powers. Saturn is very much fruitful to your chart but is placed in malefic house and in between enemies (Mars and Ketu ahead). Things don't seem to be changed untill 2023. And even you may need to change your place on or before 2023. So just stay calm and keep patience. Situation will be better after 2023.
When will I be married?
~Chhotu, Nalanda, Bihar
In your birth chart, 7th house owner is Saturn, which becomes the prime significator of marriage. This Saturn is retrograde, which means comparatively moving backward. Mercury and Venus both are in enemy house and are having malefic effect and they are transferring this malefic effect to Saturn by looking only! This all combos make a sensitive mind and a highly emotional one. One more things is noticeable in your chart is, there are two पंचमहापुरुष योग are being formed, but that is not our concern, one of them is being is being created by Mars and another one is being created by Saturn and both planets are giving malefic effect to Ascendant and the 7th house, which is causing delay in marriage. You need to perform some remedies and then most likely you will be married in between 2022-23!
When will I be able to take possession of my plot?
~Harish Dutt Mathur, Jaipur, Rajasthan
In your birth chart, 4th house lord is Jupiter. 4th house is the primary house for plots or immovable properties. Jupiter is considered to be the prime minister of the king (Sun). Sun and Saturn are father and son, but they treat each other as enemy, this is another story why they do so. Now the prime minister is trapped in between these two and feeling helplessness. These all might have started on or before 2009, most probably. Now Saturn mahadasha is running and obviously has not helped to resolve the issue. I just want you to recall the period in between August 2019 till September 2020, if it was good or sort of OK, then you will be able to grab the piece only after April 2022. And if your answer is negative then there may come some more obstacles and you may need to perform some remedies.
How is my married life future?
~Disha Chhabra, New Delhi
First of all, we just take only one question at a time. Another thing which is highly noticeable is you have Astrologer yoga in your Kundli, so you may be an astrologer some day, we didn't dive in depth to know more about it. Let us come to the point. In your birth chart 7th house owner is Mars and is placed in 3rd house with Jupiter. This is not a good house considered for Mars. In D9 chart Mars and Saturn are facing each other from 7 and 1 houses respectively. And both are enemy to each other. Although Jupiter is aspecting from the third house in natal chart but this Jupiter is not so good in D9 chart. Altogether there may be break in either marriage or in engagement (Whatever has happened) and there are some yog for remarriage or second marriage. Performing some remedies will not let the marriage break but physical distance will remain for a long duration causing frustration and depression.
When will I start earning?
~Rahul Jain, Mumbai, Maharashtra
You should be earning, if not that only means you have weaken your Jupiter. Make Jupiter strong, automatically you will start earning.
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